
Upload Photos That Parents Can Buy Graduation

When relaying why she chose the farm fields for her higher graduation photograph shoot, Jennifer Rocha explained it's because that's where her parents "sacrificed their backs, their sweat, their early on mornings, late afternoons, working cold winters, hot summers just to requite me and my sisters an instruction." Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots hibernate caption

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Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

When relaying why she chose the farm fields for her college graduation photograph shoot, Jennifer Rocha explained it's because that's where her parents "sacrificed their backs, their sweat, their early mornings, late afternoons, working cold winters, hot summers just to requite me and my sisters an pedagogy."

Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

Jennifer Rocha wanted to hear the rustle of her black graduation gown against the bell pepper bushes in the California farm fields. She wanted to see the hem bladder above the clay paths that she and her parents have spent years walking as a family unit while plucking heavy gallons of perfectly ripe fruits and vegetables that end up in America's grocery stores.

That's why she decided to take her college graduation photos in the aforementioned hot vegetable fields in Coachella, Calif., where she has worked with her parents since she was in high school.

"I'm proud that that's where I come from," says Rocha, who graduated from the University of California, San Diego on Saturday. "It'southward a huge part of who I am."

"The whole reason I wanted to go back to the fields with my parents is because I wouldn't take the degree and the diploma if it wasn't for them. They sacrificed their backs, their sweat, their early mornings, late afternoons, working cold winters, hot summers merely to requite me and my sisters an instruction."

Rocha began working in the fields in Coachella, Calif., when she was a inferior in high school. She continued the exhausting work through higher. Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots hide caption

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Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

Rocha began working in the fields in Coachella, Calif., when she was a junior in loftier school. She continued the exhausting work through college.

Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

The stunning pictures, in which she'due south in heels wearing full graduation regalia and picking veggies alongside her parents dressed in "regular field picking work clothes," have struck a chord across social media, going viral over the past couple of days. But Rocha says it's the feedback from other children of immigrants who take reaped the rewards of having their parents do dorsum-breaking work so they can succeed that she cherishes the most.

"I really think that's why people like them and so much," she says after a brusk pause.

Her parents put bated their dreams

Rocha began working in the fields when she was a junior in high school. Her mom and dad, Angelica Maria and Jose Juan Rocha, had both labored in the fields of Michoacán, Mexico, equally immature children before emigrating to the U.Due south. And when they arrived, they put aside dreams of becoming doctors or taking up other professional careers, Rocha recalls. "They just didn't have those options," she says. Instead, they returned to the fields.

"And when nosotros were older they started taking us so we could larn a lesson about the value of college teaching," she says.

Jennifer Rocha picks bong peppers alongside her parents, Angelica Maria and Jose Juan Rocha, shortly before graduating from UC San Diego last week. Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots hibernate caption

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Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

Jennifer Rocha picks bell peppers aslope her parents, Angelica Maria and Jose Juan Rocha, presently earlier graduating from UC San Diego last calendar week.

Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

The message was simple: "If you don't pursue a college education, this is where yous're going to stop up. And the merely way for y'all to learn is for united states to take you for you to experience it."

That meant juggling school and cross-country exercise with overnight shifts, Rocha says.

Rocha combined work with school

"I would get out of cross-country practice at around 2 p.m. and and so my dad would pick me up and I would get home, alter, eat something and then get right to piece of work overnight because during that time we were planting strawberries overnight." The whole family would get habitation sometime between 2 and three a.m., she says, giving her plenty time to "shower, nap and so wake up like around 5:30 a.grand. to get fix for school because I had to catch the city charabanc or else I was going to miss information technology."

She continued the work through college even when she got a job with campus security. During winter, jump and summer breaks she would bring together her parents, hunching over different crops and hoisting as many barrels as she could manage onto her shoulders from the field to a sorting table for eight hours a day.

"And so in one case I got the other job equally a cadet [with the Beverly Hills Police Department], I was basically doing three jobs at the same fourth dimension," she says, laughing.

Rocha, who majored in sociology with an accent in law and society, is working in law enforcement and hopes to be a chief someday. Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots hide caption

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Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

Rocha, who majored in sociology with an accent in police and society, is working in law enforcement and hopes to exist a principal someday.

Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

The photos, she says, show the earth that she is just i of the difficult-working, smart people like her parents who are often invisible but can be relied on every twenty-four hours doing the nation's most menial and low-paying jobs.

"So I desire y'all to recognize not just them, only also all the other migrant workers that we tend to forget nearly."

Rocha says she hopes that anyone who'south been moved by the photos volition have a new perspective the next time they shop for nutrient.

"When people go to the grocery store, [they] merely grab vegetables and food without really putting idea into it," she says, sounding frustrated. "They don't think, there are people that are drastically working hard and in hazardous conditions only to make sure that we have these foods accessible."

Jennifer Rocha says this is her favorite photo in the series considering her parents' faces reflect the "joy and pride" they feel having three daughters with college degrees. Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots hide caption

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Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

Jennifer Rocha says this is her favorite photograph in the serial because her parents' faces reflect the "joy and pride" they feel having three daughters with higher degrees.

Branden Rodriguez/Instagram @branden.shoots

She is proud of her parents' pride in her

Her favorite picture of the series is one in which she's flanked by her parents walking downwards a dirt path.

At the time, she says, she couldn't see exactly what her parents were doing every bit the lensman snapped away. Simply when she caught a glimpse of their grin faces, she says, "it's but a joy and pride that they feel that now they have iii girls with degrees."

"It just made me feel like, 'Wow, I only made you guys proud.'"

Rocha, who majored in sociology with an emphasis in police force and social club, is already pursuing her dream career in law enforcement. She hopes to be a chief anytime.

She says she'll take this moment in the limelight to encourage other young Latinos to hustle and set clear goals for themselves regardless of circumstances.

"It'southward non incommunicable," she says. "Just because your parents work in domestic labor jobs doesn't mean that yous aren't going to exist successful. It'due south going to be hard, but everything is possible. And never forget where yous come from."


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